Energy Therapy?

M’kay, “energy worker” sounds too hippy-dippy to be real. There are too many people taking the concept to places it was never meant to go.

That said, if you ever took a Physics 101 class, you know that everything vibes. Whether it’s atomically, electrically, or through light or sound. Everything vibes.

Now, add to that the concept that some people sense things in different ways. For example, I’m a synesthete. Not everyone is, but most people have enough synesthesia to understand how it might work. (Google it, or check out the “Neuroscience” section of for an explanation of how we all “get it” in certain ways.)

So, on this planet, we know everything vibes, and we know some people may have awareness of things in different ways, right?

Energy “workers” are people who use that intersection to help other people in some way. My education has been in professional counseling, psychology, and organizational psychology, so for me, it’s not just “work” – it’s actual therapy!

  • Reiki is one way. If you’re new to the term, it’s a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It can be done hands-on, like a very light massage, or hands-off.
  • Very closely related is chakra balancing. (Chakras are energy centers of the spine. It’s an ancient concept from India, dating to at least 1000 B.C.E., and not very different from the later Norse concept of the hvel. The spine has 5 sections and each has its own chakra, plus one for the brain, or third eye, or insight, if you like, and one for the crown of the head, connecting us with the Universe.)
  • Beyond that, there’s feng shui, where practitioners balance elemental influences to promote healthier energy and harmony in an environment. (Lest you think that’s just for the tourists, let me say that CBS, NBC, Universal Studios, Chase Manhattan Bank, Coca Cola, interior design giants Robb & Stucky, and even Steven Spielberg and Johnny Depp use feng shui.)
  • Close to feng shui, but aligned with modern science, we have crystals and color psychology. These use the mindfulness principle for behind-the-scenes encouragement. These two concepts help promote healing, positive mood, and even goal achievement.

Not every method of energy therapy will work for every person and situation, of course. No surprise, since we have multiple types of products for everything from allergy medications to zippers, right?

And your mileage will vary, depending (like all therapy and change methods) on what you’re willing to do. This isn’t a magic bean you plant, and wake up to an entirely different life in the morning. But it’s pretty cool and it can change your life.

Energy therapy can help you be more productive, healthy, and relaxed than you are right now. (Yeah, you! Right there. Unclench your jaw, ok? And take a couple deep breaths.) It can help you achieve greater goals and tap into abundance you didn’t think was even there. And there’s science to back this all up.

The only question left is this: what would you like it to do for you?

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